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Secrets Behind the Wall

Posted on Sat Jun 15th, 2024 @ 9:43pm by Shelly Foster & Joseph Alo

4,682 words; about a 23 minute read

Mission: Summer's Fading Light
Location: Kohana, Arizona
Timeline: Monday, 8/22/2016


The drive down to the front gate was smooth and taken in silence while Shelly worked from her tablet in the back seat. The attack in Seattle had of course resulted in nothing but headaches, not the least of which was this one. Agents from the DMA weren’t an uncommon fixture outside of the gates of Kohana, but they were rarely foolish enough to demand to speak to Tama like it was going to get them anywhere. The woman on the other hand was a different matter. Shelly would have gladly sent her down the mountain to get the agents to go away, but the instant she had been shown favor by Tama and the man had insisted she remain, the thought of that being a possibility had immediately evaporated. He liked the woman, this Eisa Kallestad, but Shelly was certainly much more skeptical.

The fact she was known and being asked for by name only added to that feeling. It seemed like trouble, but Tama knew best. As the blue Bentley came to a stop, one of the guards opened the door for her and she stepped out, smoothing out her blue silk blouse and looking around.

“Take me to them.” She ordered coolly, knowing that no other explanation was needed. Her eyes moved up to the massive, sturdy gates of Kohana and the wall that joined it. It was impervious, made by mutant hands and reinforced through their abilities. The Security Force manned the wall and the gate, keeping an eye on the large crowd below. Some were there just to see the compound, but there was a not insignificant number of people who were currently standing in that line to be processed.

Or they would be if the DMA wasn’t interfering in the orderly process.

As Tama’s Secretary approached, the Security Force’s captain and the man flanking him saluted crisply. He was a former marine, sturdy and aging, and he was as devoted a citizen of Kohana as he was a follower of the Way. As she approached, they lowered their hands and he stepped slightly forward.

“Hell of a day, yesterday.” he remarked, looking at her through the sunny day as she approached in her white suit. “The men are spinning their wheels in a meeting room.”

“Good.” She said and looked toward the gate and then to one of the guards. “Have intakes resume, this won’t take long.” With an almost dismissive wave of her hand at the notion that they had stopped to begin with, she turned with the captain and his other man and allowed them to escort her to where the DMA agents were waiting. “How many of them are here?”

Captain Thomas Wilkerton Jr. fell in line with Shelly, and headed to the entrance for the multi-floor checkpoint. The force officer standing next to him had hair so blonde it was almost white, and he followed silently.

“Just two, Shelly. I’d bet half my right ass-cheek they knew they couldn’t win in a head to head. They have to be careful dealin’ with us, as always. It’s not like they can just roll up to the front gate and make an arrest. “ he said, allowing a sergeant at the doors to pull them open for them. They stepped into the air-conditioned interior onto polished floors. “They’re here to make demands, but what they’re really doin’ is askin’ nicely and hopin’ they can solve this thing before the FBI gets involved.”

“Of course they are.” Shelly spoke, her voice very even in its tone but not dull. “What are their names?”

“Matthews and Shale, a man and a woman. Non-mutant.” Captain Wilkerton asked as they turned a corner in the hallway. Pictures lined the walls, most of which featured Tama in some act or another. They passed soldiers as they walked, each of whom saluted, but the smile one received outside these walls wasn’t present.

“Is there any other pertinent information you believe you should give me?” Shelly asked, her voice bordering on kind but not quite there.

“No, I think you’ve got it.” he said, approaching the door to the conference room and reaching for the handle.

Shelly stepped into the medium sized room where the agents had been allowed to wait around a small conference table so they would be more comfortable and wouldn’t feel like they were being interrogated. She smiled, pleasant and polite, but the expression didn’t reach her pretty eyes.

“Agent Matthews, Agent Shale. Good afternoon. I’m Shelly Foster, administrator for Kohana. How may I help you today?”

The agents stood and extended their hands to her one at a time, their faces lined with tight expressions. They clearly weren’t comfortable and knew they were in a military zone for a mutant cult. They also seemed to be keenly aware of the fact that the United States was having a difficult time executing its laws in the city and their kidnapping or death would likely go unhindered.

“Ms. Foster. Thanks for seeing us on such short notice.” the man said after lowering his somewhat portly frame in the seat again. “I’ll cut right to the quick on this one. The incident at the rally of one Joseph Alo, hosted yesterday in Seattle, involved the deaths of 9 line officers. This is a serious tragedy and a significant crime. We are here to see Mr. Alo to question him about the shooting that resulted in these deaths.”

“Tama or Tama Alo.” She corrected Matthews as she took a seat with grace. “We expect the respect you would show for any religious leader to be shown to Tama.”

Shale pursed her thin lips and crossed her arms at that one, even though her partner made no such motion.

“We extend those courtesies for real religions, Ms. Foster. Not mutant insurrectionist sex cults. To call him ‘Father’ would be to give him a status which many in your community feel makes him immune to prosecution and legal responsibility according to our records.” she said. She was young, probably in her late 20s, and was clearly the junior partner in their visit. Still, her mud-brown eyes held a certain cleverness along with the obvious contempt.

“What my partner means is that the First Amendment of the constitution supports your right to exist as a religion.” Matthews corrected, eyeing her with a kind, almost father-like expression. He flashed a smile at Shelly that was meant to be charming. “We will call him Tama, of course. But know that his title and status in your organization doesn't make him immune to communication with government investigative agencies. We need to see him now, Ms. Foster, while we’re only here to ask questions.”

Shelly listened to the younger woman - at least, she looked like she was listening. The smile had faded into a neutral expression while the woman spoke, but to her credit she didn’t seem angry over what was being said. She inhaled like she was about to answer then Matthew’s cut in to save the day. Her head turned in a motion that bordered on eerie with how fluid it was.

“I can provide whatever answers you are seeking. I work with Tama daily and I am his right hand. There is nothing you could ask that I wouldn’t know the answer to.”

“That’s not true, Ms. Foster. You can’t give us a witness statement, nor can you speak to his motivations during the deadly encounter.” The female government agent spoke. “Our records don’t state you are his legal counsel either. They are not present. So no, there is no way you can represent him in this case.”

“Well then, if you are not interested in your questions being answered, I suppose that is all then.” Shelly stood easily. “Also, Agent Shale, I was a witness to the incident. May I suggest you don’t let your witch hunt blind you to such details? You won’t last long in this job you’ve selected if you do.”

“Ms. Foster, wait.” Matthews said with a frown and a wave of his hand. “We’re looking for a young woman who was involved in the incident yesterday, and I suspect you can help us find her.”

“Perhaps.” Shelly replied in a noncommittal fashion. “What is the name of this woman?”

“Eisa Kallestad. We can’t get into the details, but she is under the protection of our department and it’s vital we locate her.” He said, looking up at the standing blonde.

For a moment, Shelly remained quiet and just looked at the man who was looking up at her with a certain amount of earnestness in his eyes. “Forgive me, but if this woman is under the ’protection’ of your department, why do you feel she would have come here instead of seeking out said protection from you?”

“I’m not privy to her mindset, Ms. Foster. I just know that she is under our care and we want to know where she is. Is she here in your city?”

“I do not know.” Shelly shrugged, lying easily. “I will of course have the records checked for you, but it may take some time. Do you have a card? I will have someone call you once we establish if she is here or not.”

“We know your processing protocols are incredibly thorough.” Shale said, a bit calmer than before after their recent failure. “We believe your people would know if she was here very easily.”

“Perhaps, but I do not. Maybe she spirited herself under the radar. As I said, it will take some time to look into.” She gave another pleasant smile. “So if you have a card…”

Mathews reached into his pocket and produced a crisp card. He slid it across the table to her, his face serious.

“I’m afraid if we aren’t able to speak to Joseph Alo, Ms Foster, there’s a possibility a warrant will be granted for his arrest. Do you want to be responsible for your religious leader going to jail?”

“Tama.” She corrected patiently but coolly and didn’t give any response to the rest of what the man said as she took the card.

“Tama, then, fine. Do you think it would be nice and affirming for your religious to see Tama behind bars, all his jewelry and robes confiscated?”

“Well, you’ll have to speak with his lawyers about that since you refused to speak with me or ask any pertinent questions that I could answer.” The smile remained, but she gestured with her hand to the door. The lawyers they employed would drag this out and make the agents suffer for their foolishness. The fact that Shelly had offered to answer their questions had been a magnanimous offer, really. Now, these agents would likely lose their job at the end of it all.

“I’ll see you escorted off the premises safely, agents.”

At least there was that. The two agents stood, neither of them looking pleased, and they headed out the door without any clear intention to address her again.

Shelly opened the door and stepped out herself, looking to one of the guards. “Escort these agents off the premises and property.”

Not only would they be walked out, but they would be driven out as well with security forces following their vehicle off of the property. They wouldn’t be allowed to simply skulk about the gates.

The soldier saluted and then fell in with the two DMA officials. They proceeded down the hallway, their dejection almost observable in the backs of their bodies proceeding away.

For a moment the beautiful blonde remained where she was and then exited the building herself - not through the doors, but she simply walked directly through the walls themselves outside to where her Bentley was waiting for her. One of the guards opened the back door for her and she slid inside, then without anymore pomp they were off again.

Shelly’s next couple hours were spent attending meetings and speaking with a few groups in Kohana, she was the overseer of everything day to day and was the one that made their world move. Finally, her meetings concluded and directives given to Tama’s lawyers, her driver took her back up the mountain to where Tama’s massive mansion stood grand and proud overlooking the city below. She entered through the front door and immediately found one of the younger Chosen women walking across the foyer.

“Is Tama in his room or office, do you know? I need to speak with him.”

“Hi, Shelly.” The girl said, smiling. She was a caramel-skinned beauty with a musical alto voice, full lips, warm dark eyes, and a tamed mess of beautifully curly hair. She wore a flowing blue dress with soft bare feet and carried a gold tray with a gold-rimmed, porcelain tea pot and a matching cup and saucer. “Tama is in his office.”

Her accent was South African, and her tone was sweet and calm. Whenever they were away from Tama’s presence, she feared Shelly, but when he was around, the feelings of balance, love, and calm always won out.

“I’m heading that way with his tea.”

“Good.” Shelly simply gestured ahead of her to signal the young woman to continue walking and fell into step behind her. Shelly’s clothing was a stark contrast to the younger woman’s in her pantsuit and the blue silk blouse; she was business, this girl was softness and service and sex. It simply worked best that way. Tama was perhaps expecting extra service with his tea today, but it would simply have to wait a little longer.

Imka lead Shelly down the familiar set of hallways and stairways to the special apartment which belonged to Tama. Shelly would know to take her shoes off before entering, though most of the women chose not to wear them at any point they were in the house.

The huge dark wood doors were pushed open by the young woman. It was carved with the symbol of their movement. Imka smiled in a way that suggested she was genuinely excited to be approaching her lord.

“Tama, your evening tea.” She said, her voice like a song, and approached the huge cushion which sat on the floor in the middle of the office. It was covered in animal firs, and Tama sat in his white robe with a large tone in his hands.

He looked up and smiled at her and then, looking beyond her, at Shelly.

Shelly offered a nod of greeting but didn’t interfere with Imka and her work. It always felt wonderful to be around Tama, and the tension she hadn’t realized she was holding in her body began to dissipate. After a moment of the young woman going through the motions of service, she finally spoke up, her voice much warmer than the one she used with anyone else.

“I need to speak with you, please.”

Imka knelt in front of him, placing the tray at his feet with a graceful gesture of her body. She was strong and flexible, and her eyes were cast in his, locked in his gaze

“I serve you.”

Tama leaned forward and placed his huge hand on her face, caressing her cheek as if she was the most fantastic woman he’d ever met.

“Leave us, my beloved.” He ordered, and she complied immediately, avoiding eye contact with Shelly as she went. Her displeasure was obvious, but clearly under control. When they were alone, Tama opened his arms to Shelly, his book forgotten beside him. “Come to me, my love. I’ve missed you.”

If Shelly was annoyed at hearing him call the younger woman “beloved”, it certainly didn’t show. Once Imka was gone, Shelly moved to where Tama sat and instantly slid into his arms and up against his body. She tucked her legs up underneath her and leaned into his shoulder.

“I missed you too. It has been quite an eventful day.”

He wrapped his strong arm around her and drew her near him. He was clean and smelled of the oils he used in his hair and beard. He looked into her eyes the same way he always had, and his love seemed not to decay or grow old as it so often did with others.

“Tell me all about it.” He said, his hand finding her short hair. He remembered when it was long, but he seemed just as enamored as he always had been.

She smiled at him easily and her hand found his broad chest. “After the drive through, I went down to the gates to deal with the DMA officers they had sent. They of course want to interview you; I offered to speak to them myself but they didn’t want that so I referred them to your lawyers. I don’t expect Micah will see them keeping their jobs for much longer.”

She licked her lips and adjusted how she was sitting just slightly. “They also asked about that girl.”

He listened intently, with obvious interest, and yet no concern was present in his eyes. He knew that those people wanted to speak with him. They had been after him for years, believing him to be dangerous even though he had never been caught hurting anyone. The incident the day before was most unfortunate. But they had their own to bury, and Tama had no tears to shed for non-mutant police officers.

“Oh, I see. It sounds like you handled the situation shrewdly. Why were they interested in her?” He asked, knowing it was pointless to ask what girl she meant.

“They said the girl is under the protection of their department but wouldn’t offer any details. I think we should consider handing her over to them. It would certainly take some of the heat off of their desire to question you if we hand them the woman that seemed like she instigated the whole thing. Besides, if she really does have ties to the DMA, she is dangerous to keep here.” Shelly pointed out, now actively sounding mildly annoyed by the mere thought of the lovely young woman.

“Hmm..” Tama said, and was silent for several seconds of thought. He was slow to speak, but always did so with authority when it was time. “What danger do you imagine she could pose because of her connection?”

“You know they’ve been trying to weasel their agents into Kohana for years. They want to see how things work so they can tear us down from the inside. I saw the way she was reacting to you at the gathering and later at the drive through. It isn’t right.” She pointed out. “She doesn’t belong here.”

He smiled, but didn’t laugh. He seemed to understand she was serious. He looked at her, twirling her hair still. He leaned in and kissed her softly on her forehead.

“What did you see at the drive through? How did she look at me?”

Shelly didn’t answer right away, instead she was distracted by his kiss on her forehead. Her eyelids fluttered closed and she felt a shiver of pleasure and desire run down her spine. She pressed her body closer to his in reaction and let out a soft sigh against his neck. Her annoyance was near totally gone now.

“Without knowledge or devotion.”

“You know our entry quotas, and you have command over every policy that filters people from the outside into citizens of Kohana.” He said, his voice low and slow. He spoke into her ear. “I have trusted you, with everything. You are special to me, Shelly.”

He kissed her forehead, and his hand moved from her hair to move rhythmically on her shoulder.

“Tell me, how many of our newest citizens come to us already learned and devout followers of Tama?”

“Few, but they want to learn and at least know something about us. I read the initial report from Charles and the host family; the girl knows nothing and is disrespectful and mean.” Shelly shook her head. “Perhaps she came here to escape the authorities in Seattle or perhaps she is a plant from the DMA we would find believable; I found it quite convenient that despite being in the middle of the crossfire, she only sustained a graze to her arm.”

“I was also in the line of fire, and I received no injuries at all.” He said, squeezing her shoulder. “What you say makes sense though. What if you are wrong, however, and she is just an innocent mutant trying to get away from an unfortunate situation? She did nothing wrong yesterday, after all.”

“That doesn’t mean she belongs here in Kohana among us.” She reached up and placed a hand on his cheek. “I know your beautiful, loving heart for the unfortunate ones, but we certainly can’t take in those who might truly pose a danger, Joseph. We should give her to them.”

He looked at her directly in the eyes as if she touched his face. He almost never heard his name, and the experience had become a strangely unique one for him. He had stopped being Joseph long ago, in some ways.

“Kohana exists for the unfortunate ones, Shelly. Don’t you remember? We follow the Way because it leads us away from slavery to the ungifted. If I were to cast her out from the foot of the mountain without even a shred of evidence, I would indirectly cause harm to a mutant. This..I will not do.”

He grabbed her arm and guided her toward him effortlessly. His lips met hers as that had so many times before, and he could feel her body reacting to him.

“Yasmin is with child, as you know, and the doctor has determined the baby is her husbands. She doesn’t want to part from the child, so she is to descend the mountain in the next few days. At the base of the mountain, a spy could see your work and observe our systems. But, up here, there is only devotion to Tama and the beauty of the center of all creation. She would be an ineffective spy.”

Shelly moaned quietly into the kiss and pressed her legs together as she felt the surge of arousal and desire well up in her. Of course he was right, and she certainly wouldn’t argue anymore. She was distracted by thoughts out how Imka was just going to have to wait for another time and only when he spoke about Yasmin did she focus herself again. Hearing that the woman’s child was not Joseph’s filled her with joy, but that same joy instantly went away as he finished his thought.

“You… want me to bring that girl up here?”

“Well,” he said, smiling at her, though it wasn’t a mocking smile. “Be honest with me..what do you think?”

“I think it would be a slap in the face to every young, beautiful woman who is devoted to you and our cause.” Shelly replied honestly, frowning. She also wasn’t blind how the woman hit some of the same notes as Shelly herself in the looks department and she wondered if that was part of his purpose.

“Quite right. You are brilliant.” He said, recognizing the truth in what she said immediately. “Then begin a search, and make sure she’s on the short list. Let me choose between her and those who show interest who you determine to be good candidates.”

The frown remained on her still lovely face. “The girl has nothing to offer; she has no skills or education to speak of and she would not be a good fit for living here at your side.”

“Then why would I choose her out of a shortlist of beautiful, capable, experienced, devoted women?” He asked, and then smiled. “Have faith. Did I not choose you, after all?”

“That’s just taking a spot on the list from someone more deserving.” Shelly protested still and pulled back from him slightly. Who chose whom was debatable, really, and they both knew that was the honest truth of it all. “What has you so enamored, Joseph?”

Her tone bordered on accusatory.

Tama’s face lost a bit of that engagement which made his gaze so intoxicating. He leaned back slightly, and his aura of comfort and well-being moved back as well. He wasn’t angry, but it was clear he wasn’t pleased with her response.

“Jealousy comes from imbalance.” He said, his gaze markedly colder than before. “Balance yourself. Speak the truth to me.”

Shelly’s frown wavered and there was an obvious sadness in her eyes as he pulled back and looked at her as he was in that moment. “I don’t like how she looks more like me than anyone else here, it is true, but I am much more concerned with how our people might take such a snub. You wll, of course, have whoever and whatever you want, Tama.”

With some effort, she pulled back from him and stood up, wrapping her arms around herself. “That’s all I have to report. Shall I send Imka back in for you now?”

“You are my Shelly.” He said in a bold voice, unphased by the pain in her eyes. The love in his was obvious. “I don’t categorize women by the color of their hair or the shade of their eyes, but by the love in their hearts.” He said , and reached out to grab her arm boldly. He held her tight, but he didn’t pull. “Do you love me?”

“Of course I love you, Joseph.” She replied, not fighting his pull but not coming back to his arms. Her love was there, but she was sad. She was his Shelly, but his Shelly wasn’t getting any younger.

“I will never let you go.” He said, and then he pulled her. Pressing his lips to hers passionately, wrapping her in his strong arms. He had given her more power than anyone else and trusted her implicitly with almost all of his business, yet she could hardly look beyond the fact that she was growing older at times. She was starting to feel more threatened than ever before by his younger women, and he saw that.

Shelly fell into his arms, but she wasn’t panicked and she didn’t flail or try to catch herself. She trusted him implicitly that he wouldn’t cause her harm directly or inadvertently. She tumbled down and had barely lifted her eyes when his lips caught her own. She moaned into the kiss again, feeling his love and warmth for her surrounding her and practically pouring into her being. Her hands found his shoulders and then slid under his robe to touch his bare skin that was so familiar to her. The matter of the young woman was totally out of mind, but in the end she would most certainly comply with Tama’s will as she always did.

She wanted him and he wanted her; that’s how it had always been. And now it was like no one else existed. He coaxed her out of her jacket and blouse and she coaxed him out of his robe, a much easier feat. They made love among the furs, his book long forgotten as well as Eisa, Imka, and all the others. Her moans carried into the rest of the apartment, but not beyond, but the moving of feet outside the door of his office made it obvious one or two of his other mistresses were listening. The two of them were so lost in each other, neither would care.



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