
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Sun Oct 6th, 2024 @ 6:49am

Jonathan Sinclair

Name Jonathan Henry Sinclair

Position Training, Fitness, & Health

Second Position Team Leader

Character Information

Gender Male
Codename Warhammer
Powers Exponential Momentum
Mutant Level Alpha
Power Description Exponential Momentum (1) - A physical ability that generates through kinetic energy. Energy can be generated through movement of any kind. Subject becomes more durable and strong relative to the amount of energy stored in their body. Energy can be transferred into other forms through the use of technology.
Relevant Gear:
-War Hammer
-Energy-channeling hand cannons
Mutant Registration Status Registered Entity
Age 33
Birthdate April 14, 1983

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4"
Weight 230 LBS
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Big, strong, and tall are words that might sum up Jon's appearance. He has dark eyes and hair that compliment his caramel skin. A handsome face that often rests in a disagreeable expression, Jon gives the impression of being the sort of man you don't want to mess with. He has a large sleeve and pectoral tattoo on his right arm and the right side of his chest and a tattoo of the Navy SEAL anchor and wings across his shoulders on his back.


Parents Cornelius Sinclair & Rachel Williams

Personality & Traits

General Overview Like the rest of his family, Jon has lived a privileged life, but has attempted to earn his place in the world through service to his country and hard work. Unlike his brilliant grandfather and his calculating father, Jon has charted a course through his life that allowed him to use his physical strength to get what he was after, and despite his many successes, he doesn’t like to be celebrated or receive excessive attention. Like his father, Jon is tough as nails, but he has rejected the cold demeanor for an aggressive, no nonsense approach. He doesn’t come in to make friends and, more often than not, he inspires both hatred and fearful respect in others. Confident, candid, and competent, Jon isn’t afraid to push his team mates to their limit for their own good. He doesn’t care who he offends, generally, and says what he thinks.
Hobbies & Interests Jon enjoys physical pursuits like fitness, sporting, and prides himself on maintaining excellent nutrition. In his spare time, he works on his collection of cars.

Timeline 1983 - Born to Cornelius and Rachel Sinclair in London
1987- Moved to New Haven, Connecticut with his family
1991- Moved to Washington D.C. with his family
1991-2001 - Attended Sidwell Friends School in D.C.
2001-2005 - Attended Naval War College
2005 - Assigned as Ensign on the destroyer USS Bainbridge; Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade
2007 - Promoted to Lieutenant, Assigned to aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln
2008 - Transferred to Navy Seals
2012 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
2015 - Teacher, Red Rock Academy for the Gifted